Sports news

Become global news networks is the largest and most reliable one of the goals set associate Press. They ensure accuracy, objectivity and balance in their reports. Supported strength of more than 4000 employees operating in over 240 bureaus worldwide and owned by about 1500 members in the daily- U.S. newspapers.

Sports news which is considered as one comprehensive and detailed report is the AP report reported by Global Sports group of talented journalists and photographers to them. 35,000 photographs and sports stories collected from around the world are incorporated into a comprehensive report. During the 24 hours of full, informed ranging from athletes to games, activities, action and drama that surrounded the incident numbers are also reported.

In the United States alone, the Associate Press has a network of 1700 weekly, daily and campus newspapers. Service is a service called together a video SNTV sports venture held by them and about 500 international broadcasters receive their news service. AP also sends their news to the approximately 121 countries in 4 languages.

AP was established in 1846 and has emerged as one source of reliable information and independent news. They have received 49 Pulitzer Prizes of the 30 Pulitzer photos they have, this was proof that their work is appreciated by every news organization.

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